Thursday, October 31, 2013

Where art thou?

Greetings lovely readers!  

I have received a few emails from my lovelies wondering where I have been and so I feel I should update you all...we MOVED! :)  

That's right, we picked up and left the beautiful Portland, Oregon area and landed ourselves in the mile high city of Denver, Colorado!  It's beautiful here...and so sunny!  I'm really loving it so far!  We had quite an adventure as we road tripped it across 5 states and drove nearly 1,300 miles with our pup and kitty in tow!   

Whew, but we made it in one piece!  Most of our boxes have been unpacked (my books being one of the first to open) and we're nearly set up!  I have read a few AMAZING reads and need to update the good ol' bloggy blog and will in the next few days!  Thank you again for your readership and support!  Love to you all from the lovely state of Colorado!


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